After Crystal Harris went on “Howard Stern” and said she’d only slept with Hugh Hefner once and that he was rather jack-rabbit-like in bed, some of the Playboy lothario’s other beauties are setting the record straight.
Miss June 2004, Hiromi Oshima, said, “I’ve heard girls say they have a lot of fun in there.”
“Hef is a lover,” added Playboy TV’s Dani Mathers. “I think they definitely had sex more than that one time and it wasn’t two minutes. Hef definitely has a sex life.”
Shanna McLaughlin, who appeared in the July 2010 issue of Playboy, summed it up best: “I think the whole thing with Crystal is really sad, and Hef is such an amazing man. He provides so much for everyone that’s around him and all of the Playmates. I think some things should be kept private between two people, especially in a break-up scenario.”
Hef definitely “provided” for Harris in the form of her engagement bling and swanky cars, and she was quick to take the loot before departing the mansion just days before their wedding.
On Thursday night, she posted a tweet that kinda sorta apologized for what she said on Stern’s program, pinning the blame on Howard himself. “The Stern interview scared me, he’s harsh. I was unprepared and blurted out things I shouldn’t have said, I’m sorry.”
Howard Stern ‘s amazing Jedi mindtrick powers aside, Harris seemed to misspell “I’m sorry I’m such a classless dolt.”