The real cause of the death of the famous British soul singer last Saturday remains unknown – at least until the results of the toxicology tests come in, which won’t be until another week or two. But the family has reasons to believe that Amy Winehouse’s sudden demise may have been precipitated by a sudden withdrawal from alcohol.
A source close to the family informed Britain’s Sun that the 27-year-old singer had waved aside her doctor’s advice to effect a gradual withdrawal from her habit of sotting up on alcohol. The source said that Amy’s father Mitch Winehouse had offered an explanation of her death in his eulogy at the funeral. According to him, Amy had told the doctor that it was impossible for her to reduce alcohol consumption gradually –it was a case of “all or nothing” for her. She had stopped drinking and went cold turkey for about a month before her death. It was a great shock to her body and it may well have resulted in heart failure.
PEOPLE also reports that the family holds to this explanation of her death.
It has been noised around that Winehouse had a heavy drinking bout in the last days of her life, but these rumors have been denied by her father.
The abstinence shock, coming on top of her weakened constitution, proved the last straw on the singer who had been going through a difficult period of her life.